Growing up, we heard all sorts of stories about the eyes. The ways we could care for them, the reason it acts the way it does, and activities that are good and bad for their care. But how true are they? This article shares 8 common myths and facts about the eye.

Myth: Seeing well in the distance does not necessarily mean you have healthy eyes.

Needing glasses to see well has very little to do with the health of the eye's tissues. Instead, it has to do with the optics of the eye. Eye health and needing glasses are very different things. This is why regular eye exams is very important.

Fact: Children who spend more time outdoors have a reduced risk for developing near-sightedness.

Recent studies show that this is actually true. Spending time outdoors is healthy on many levels and is true for the eyes as well. It is important to remember however, that having your child spend more time outdoors does not guarantee that they will not need glasses, but it reduces the risk.

Myth: Reading in dim light will make your eyes worse

This is a very common belief, but there is no evidence for this. However, reading in dim lighting makes it more difficult for us to focus on what we are reading. This can lead to excess focusing and eye strain. The eye strain we feel when this happens is like the muscle aching, we may feel after visiting the gym. The strain is in the eye muscles, but it will not change your glasses prescription or make your eyes less healthy, it only makes it harder to read comfortably. For this reason, more light is better.

Myth: Children are born with perfect vision

At birth, vision is still developing and over a period of a few years, the vision improves by 30 times! Having said this, it is still recommended that Children should have their eyes examined as soon as they are born in the labour ward. Next test should be Preschool except the parents notice any problem.

Myth: Using computers can damage your eyes.

Looking at a computer screen will not harm your eyes, but doing so without breaks can contribute to eyestrain, tired eyes or dry eyes. Be sure to rest your eyes by looking up or across the room. Blink regularly to keep your eyes well lubricated and use artificial tears to promote moisture. Good computer Positioning is very important.

Myth: Wearing glasses weakens the eyes

People who have always seen well without glasses may find it difficult to read as they get older (over 40 years). When they see that the power of their reading glasses starts to be stronger and stronger, they sometimes think that glasses have “ruined” their eyes. In reality, they are gradually going through a very normal process called presbyopia – the inability to focus the eyes for near objects.

As for near-sighted children and adults, sometimes people will feel that because their glasses prescription is changing and getting stronger over time, that their eyes are becoming weaker because of the glasses. The reality is that near-sightedness will increase whether glasses are worn or not. Eye near-sightedness tends to increase gradually and usually plateaus between the late teens and early 20's.

Myth: Sitting too close to the TV damages your eyes

Sitting close to a TV is no different from looking at a computer screen. The truth is, children have a better ability to focus up close without eye strain than adults. However, sitting close to the TV may be a sign of near-sightedness. So, if your child is always sitting close to the TV and has difficulty seeing it clearly from a distance, it would be wise to get their eyes checked. This myth probably developed because sitting close to the TV is a habit that near-sighted children have. Sometimes when the parents discover their child needs glasses, they feel that the TV made their child's eyes near-sighted; in reality, sitting close to the TV was just the child's adjustment to their near-sightedness.

Myth: A cataract must be ‘ripe’ or ‘mature’ before it is removed.

A cataract can be removed as soon as it compromises your vision. Thanks to modern advances in cataract surgery, the lens can now be removed from the eye as soon as it's cloudy enough to make reading fine print or street signs difficult.


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